Singapore and Seismic Activity

Although Singapore does have its share of small earthquakes, the chance of experiencing a large quake is quite small for this country. The reason being is that Singapore is not located by any boundaries. Instead Singapore is located on the inside part of the Eurasian plate rather than the edge. Countries located on the edge of tectonic plates have more of a chance of experiencing larger and more dangerous earthquakes. The West coast of the United States and Japan are just a couple of many countries that are located right on the border of a plate. In result, these countries experiences giant and destructive earthquakes.

Singapore is considered a safe zone when it comes to seismic activity. The closest area of danger lies 400km away on the west coast Sumatra. So if there were any reaction, that is where the epicenter is most likely to be.


  1. Hi, Casey,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog provided insight into seismic activity in Singapore. My country is Taiwan, one of those countries that are subject to huge and destructive earthquakes, and because of its location on a complex plate, large earthquakes are frequent. Unlike Singapore, earthquakes killed people in Taiwan.
    As you mentioned, earthquakes occur frequently in Japan, the country I grew up in, and when I was a child, I had to take a class at school about three times a year where all the students had to go through an evacuation drill. Great job!

  2. Nice research- what type/s of mitigation measures they have for earthquakes? (even if it is a low risk) Check:,in%20the%20next%2050%20years.

  3. Hello Casey!
    I hope you are doing well. I enjoyed reading your blog. Your blog provided great information about seismic activity within Singapore. My country, Madagascar, doesn't experience too much earthquake activity as well. My country is a little bigger than California. You would figure Madagascar would experience more earthquake activity since it is a small country. Although, Madagascar experiences more cyclones and landslides. Great work with your post!


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